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Salem Riverfront Park


CE Engineers completed an electrical study and re-design of the 23-acre Riverfront Park in Salem, OR.  An electrical survey was done to create new electrical system one-line drawings of the park.  Park staff, vendors and city engineers were consulted to determine current and future power needs to re-design the electrical system.  Information was gathered from the utility to determine the feasibility and cost of adding additional feeds to certain areas of the park.  Cost estimates of the re-design with different options were provided to the customer.


The City of Salem had no updated drawings of their system and were unaware the vaults installed did not meet current electrical codes.  It was also a challenge interfacing with the different stakeholders of the project and determining what their immediate and future needs were.


Updated drawings were provided to the City of Salem with recommended modifications.  This project is currently on hold due to a Master Plan of the entire park but the drawings created by CE Engineers will be used in helping the City make future decisions on the park.

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City of Salem


Electrical Engineering Design



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